We finally painted another side of the house yesterday. After six straight hours (and two very sore arms) we completed the easy east side. Next, the peak on the front and a small strip near the porch need to be primed (how we missed that I don't know). The west side is primed for paint, but it lies 6 feet higher off the ground. I am NOT excited to start that, but will be so glad to see it completed. This cold, rainy day is giving us a break, but I'm hopeful that next weekend will prove productive again. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
Our winter garden isn't growing as quickly as I hoped. Only a few spinach seeds germinated and the carrots are slow going. The nasturtiums are doing pretty well, but I think I need to pull out the cold frames to warm up the bed. My mother in law gave me some beautiful antique windows a few years ago. I'm going to paint them with the leftover blue porch paint, stack them on some concrete blocks or hay bales, and hope for the best.
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